Thursday, September 10, 2009

The 4 Shamanic Healing Salves: Singing

All Shamanic cultures hold as true that there are 4 World Healing Salves: Singing, Storytelling, Silence, and Dance. Throughout these indigenous cultures, Healing salves or Ointments are given an honored place in the community and not saved for special occasions as is often true in Western cultures. When practiced daily, the 4 Healing Salves help bring balance and joy to everyday life.

Singing, the "Medicine" of the East, is one which we easily hear from the children's playground. From the time children are small, they hum, laugh, sing little songs, and express themselves joyfully! In fact, most children will naturally express through song, impromptu rhymes, and stories while singing. Unfortunately along the way many of us heard that we "couldn't carry a tune" or "didn't sing well enough", dampening our creative spark and quelling our natural voice.

A question asked by one of my shamanic teachers is "When did you stop singing?" She said that it was at that moment we first lost our voice, experiencing soul loss and that now, as adults, we can reclaim a part of ourselves by remembering our favorite song from childhood and singing it out loud. I remember fondly and with great admiration the day she sang "Zippety Doo Dah" with enthusiasm as we all listened. What a joyful moment! She mirrored to us all how we can practice the healing medicine of singing and begin by reclaiming our own voice and joy. When we sing, others sing too.

Question: What was your favorite song as a child?

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