Thursday, April 25, 2013

from "Spiritual Turning Points" Chapter 5 

"Twenty years have passed since the completion of the fourth transition, during which time many experiences have contributed to the study of the soul’s purpose. The natural time for this monadal transition to begin is usually sometime between the ages of sixty and seventy-five, which in modern society is not always near the end of life. Still, when this transition begins, much of the life has been lived in terms of significant milestones: Children have been raised and now, hopefully, are out on their own; retirement has occurred or is on the horizon; and the physical body has now officially reached maturity and is starting its decline. Sound a bit morose? Not at all—it is simply the natural progression of life on the physical plane. This transition can, however, be startling to some, and many may resist the idea that eventually they will die and that they are mortal.

The changes that have begun to occur in relation to physicality are clear, yet the internal shifts toward a more balanced and even-tempered life take root sometime in the late fifties and early sixties as the work focus reaches a peak and then begins to wane. For years, the individual may have focused on work as the primary means of support as well as depending on status in the world as a way to define the self. Of course, not all people experience life this way as there are some who have chosen to live off-beat and creative lifestyles while avoiding the pitfalls of a nine-to-five job and so the shift which occurs during the fifth transition may not feel as unsettling. The onset of this transition feels a little like standing at the top of a mountain and looking back at the entire life.

Life had been going along pretty smoothly for years with my job at the local library and Tom’s work as an attorney. I was nearing retirement and then the economy nearly collapsed in 2008 and I got a pink slip within about two months. I was shocked! My sixty-fifth birthday was just a few months away, but I had literally given no thought to what I might want to do once I had more time on my hands. I could only do so much needlepoint, and besides, I was still a young woman at heart! I found myself thinking a lot about the past—where I went to school, what happened to my friends, things I had always wanted to do but never did. I did a lot of daydreaming that year. (Sophie, age sixty-seven)"

c.2011 Victoria Marina-Tompkins All rights reserved
Full Moon in Scorpio Photo

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